If you live in an existing building and want to retrofit a stable and reliable networking solution, digitalSTROM is the first choice.
In new buildings, digitalSTROM is perfect if you want to avoid high planning costs and extensive structural adjustments. And whenever you want to remain flexible for the future and keep the option open to change or expand your system at any time, for example when your life situation changes (e.g. children, age, etc.). New construction means that your house is in the planning stage or under construction.
If you have doubts about radio-based systems, digitalSTROM is also the optimum solution for you.
Basic functions are also available to you without an Internet connection.
Since digitalSTROM components communicate with each other via the power line and not via radio like other systems, the system is ideal for keeping electrosmog to a minimum.
Furthermore, digitalSTROM is easy to operate. You decide whether you want to control your Smart Home with commercially available photoelectric proximity switches, your tablet or smartphone, or by voice.
We are happy to support you in planning or purchasing with our individual advice.