Below is a brief explanation of how you can implement a garage door control with a single push-button and a SW-UMR200.
Please observe all details in the following pictures and proceed strictly in this order.
1. Connecting the UMR
2. Configuration of the input (UMR)
3. Configuration of the output (UMR)
3.1 Determine pulse mode and duration
4. Create condition
4.1 Determine condition details
4.2 Name condition
4.3 Condition fine adjustment (remove checkmark)
5. Create scene responder automatism (to open the door)
5.1 Determine trigger
5.2 Determine activity
5.3 Determine preconditions
6 Create scene responder automatism (to close the door)
6.1 Determine trigger
6.2 Determine activity
6.3 Determine precondition
Important: Please strictly keep to the above sequence!