A weather station is required to protect devices from wind. Various weather stations can be integrated:
- The digitalSTROM weather station dS-Weather Station provides the following sensor values that can be evaluated in the digitalSTROM system: wind speed, gust speed, outside temperature, brightness. A rain monitor is also included.
- A weather station based on EnOcean integrated via Plan44 bridge. This weather station provides sensor values that can be evaluated directly in the digitalSTROM system. An example of such a weather station is Eltako Multisensor MS.
- A weather station with switching outputs, which can be integrated via SW-AKM200. In this case no sensor values will be available, only events (e.g. wind monitor has been triggered). The events are evaluated inside the weather station. An example of such a weather station is Elsner PS8A.
- A Netatmo weather station integrated via WLAN. The Netatmo controller app can be installed at the dSS server. Note: Rain and wind sensors from Netatmo cannot be used to protect devices due to their slowness and are therefore not visible in the system.
- In large apartment buildings, a building weather station can be integrated via a dSG module. Events are transmitted directly into the digitalSTROM system.
Weather station with sensor values
If a weather station is installed that provides gust sensor values, the devices are automatically protected from wind. The wind protection class must be set in the device properties of the gray terminal block:
A corresponding wind protection group will then appear in the configurator in the Group tab. The wind preset is automatically called in this group if the gust value exceeds the value of the wind protection class. The no wind preset is also called automatically if the gust value is at least 10% below the value of the wind protection class for 15 minutes.
If more than one weather station is installed in a system, the highest gust value is always used for the evaluation. The orientation is irrelevant for the wind protection.
Note: Since the wind protection is automatically active (starting from dSS version 1.16.3), any existing manual wind protection rules should be removed from the system (e.g. event-responders that call the wind preset in the apartment).
Weather station with switching outputs
If a weather station is integrated by using switching outputs via an automation terminal block, the corresponding input in the device properties must be set to wind monitor. A wind monitor ensures that the wind preset is called in the apartment. Most of the time this is not desirable, instead only certain devices should be protected from the wind. Therefore - as shown in the example above - the wind protection class can be set for each device. The corresponding groups are created in the groups tab. The wind monitor can now be moved into the groups to be protected. If a wind monitor is assigned to at least one group, the wind preset is no longer called in the apartment, but only in the corresponding groups. The same for the no-wind preset.
What happens when wind gets active?
As long as wind is active, automatic preset calls (e.g. from a timer) are blocked if they affect devices that are protected from wind. If wind is active in the entire apartment, all shading devices are blocked. This is usually not desirable, so it is strongly recommended to work with wind protection groups (see previous section).
The device behavior for wind protection can be configured here: Activities tab, click Wind at the bottom left hand side, then right-click on the desired device and select Edit Activity Settings.
Operation lock
To prevent manual operation via push-buttons or smartphone app, an operating lock for wind can be activated in the user group settings:
This blocks all preset calls when wind protection is active.
Please note: The operation lock works for devices with firmware version 3.6.5 or higher (visible in the hardware tab).