Our digitalSTROM system is designed for a mains quality that an electricity supplier can guarantee, i.e. the mains complies with the EN 50160 standard.
If an emergency generator also provides this quality, digitalSTROM will work.
Unfortunately, it has already happened in the past that emergency power generators have not delivered this quality.
As a result, defects have occurred. We can therefore not provide a general guarantee for operation with emergency power generators.
Nor can we make any statements about the usability of individual units or give recommendations for manufacturers, as we do not know the current and future specifications of the products.
Additional information regarding the use of power generators in isolated operation:
digitalSTROM devices must not be operated with power generating sets, as otherwise the devices up to and including generation 300 may be irreparably damaged due to possible non-sinusoidal voltages (e.g. when switching on).
The incompatibility refers to any type of genset (230V), especially diesel generators as well as photovoltaic storage batteries with emergency power function. The integration of dS and photovoltaic systems as such is not affected. However, in the event of mains-side power failures and due to the subsequent emergency power supply by the storage battery, the aforementioned damage to the devices may occur. digitalSTROM does not assume any liability in connection with damage to devices which occurred in isolated operation.
Recommendation by digitalSTROM:
Due to the non-economic measure of supplying the entire house with emergency power, we recommend operating a dedicated emergency power socket directly at the solar inverter. No dS devices may be operated at this emergency power socket, but, for example, a dSM for measuring the emergency power consumption. Therefore, dS devices may be operated on all circuits that are not supported by emergency power. Since only the most important consumers (e.g. cooker, torch, radio, etc.) are supplied with emergency power, this solution also has the advantage of a longer bridging time.
See also: Batteriespeicher oder sonstige Wechselrichter