If the digitalSTROM server is not connected to the Internet, the available system updates can also be made available using a USB stick (offline).
Download the digitalSTROM software updates: Open the download page of the digitalSTROM software updates in a browser and download the available updates to your computer as a compressed file.
Unpack the compressed file and copy both directories into the main directory of the USB stick. This requires at least one gigabyte of free disk space and the USB stick needs to be formatted using FAT32.
Installing the digitalSTROM software update
Insert the USB stick into the USB port on the housing of the running digitalSTROM server. Then the system update starts automatically, which is indicated by a flashing yellow-blue LED.
It may take up to 2 minutes for the LED to start flashing. The LED can also remain in the yellow or blue state for a short time during the update. If the LED remains permanently in the green state for 2 minutes, the update has been successfully completed.
During a system update via USB stick, the available firmware updates are automatically installed on the connected digitalSTROM meters and all server apps are updated.
In addition to the software update, dss11-usb-Upgrade also contains all newly available digitalSTROM Server Apps that can be installed directly from the main Apps section.
After a successful system update or the installation of additional digitalSTROM components, check the availability of firmware updates for digitalSTROM meters in the system settings of the web-based digitalSTROM Configurator.
1. The USB memory stick must be formatted as 'FAT' or 'FAT32'. It must have at least 2GB of free space and ideally is not larger than 4 GB.
2. If not done already, download the newest USB upgrade zip file from https://www.digitalstrom.com/support/softwareupdate/
3. Unzip the downloaded upgrade file
4. Copy the directories 'digitalstrom-upgrade' and 'dss11-usb-upgrade' into the main folder of the USB memory stick.
5. Properly unmount the USB memory stick from your PC before removing it.
6. Plug the USB memory stick into the USB connector of the running digitalSTROM-Server (dSS).
7. After a short moment, the upgrade process will start automatically. While updating, the dSS LED will blink yellow-blue, but might remain temporarily yellow, blue or for a short while even red.
8. The system upgrade process is finished once the LED remains green for more than two minutes.
!!! The system udpate may take up to 30 minutes. The digitalSTROM-Server must not be powered off or rebooted during the update !!!
9. After the update is completed, please check manually for any available digitalSTROM-Meter (dSM) firmware updates. To do so, in the dss configurators go to the menu 'system -> system update' and search for new updates. Install any dSM Updates found.
Further information can also be found in the installation manual.