digitalSTROM grants flawless functionality on digitalSTROM products according to specification for a period of 24 months from the date of delivery. The warranty only applies if the installation, operating and environmental conditions are observed. The warranty expires in case of improper handling, opening of the device or improper storage. The warranty is limited to the replacement of defective products and excludes any further liability such as installation/removal costs, loss of revenue or other expenses.
Complaints/return of defective products must always be accompanied by a proof of delivery and a description of the defect to the address from which the goods were obtained:
- End consumers who purchased digitalSTROM products from an electrician should only contact their electrician in case of complaints.
- Electricians who purchased the goods through electrical wholesalers return defective products to their suppliers only.
- Electric wholesalers and direct sales partners send faulty goods with a delivery note and a short description of the fault to BI-LOG Warenhotel GmbH | Am Steinernen Kreuz 9 | 96110 Scheßlitz (Germany) or to digitalSTROM AG | Customer Service | Schlieren (Switzerland).