With the dSS release of version 1.18.0, also the my.digitalSTROM end-user accounts will be migrated to a new system. This article is currently being continuously updated to contain all the information related to this migration including
- Instruction for dS end users to complete the migration
- Introduction and explanation to new my.digitalSTROM Account pages
- Significant changes
- Dependencies to other digitalSTROM components, such as legacy apps.
Update 16.04.2021
- Due to the instabilities of the dS Cloud in the past week, we have further postponed the update for the dS Alexa Skill, dS Google Home Integration, and IFTTT. Should over the weekend the dS Cloud prove to be stable again, then we will deploy the updates next week. Until that time, the sign-in of these three services will still use the old my.dS login information.
Important Instruction to all dS Users
On Wednesday 07.04.2021, all my.digitalSTROM accounts will be migrated to the new system. All users will receive an E-Mail with instructions on how to set a new password for their migrated accounts. The sender of the E-Mail will be noreply@digitalstrom.com. If you do not receive the E-Mail, please also check your SPAM or Junk folder of your E-Mail account.
All users must perform the following steps after 07.04.2021 so that the migration of their user account is completed. These steps do not need to be done immediately but should be performed in the near future.
- Set a new password for the migrated user account. To do so, open the link in the E-Mail, that will be sent to you on 07.04.2021, and follow the instructions
- After setting the new password, you need to login once into your migrated my.digitalSTROM account
- Verify your profile information and correct or add any missing information.
Downtime due to migration
- Starting on Tuesday, 06.04.2021, the creation of new my.digitalSTROM end-user accounts in the current system will be disabled. Creation of new accounts will be re-enabled on the new system starting on 07.04.2021
- Starting on Tuesday, 06.04.2021, it will not be possible to establish new dSS connections to the dS Cloud using the current version of the my.digitalSTROM Add-On App (dSS Version SW 1.17.0 and earlier). Will be re-enabled with the new version of the my.digitalSTROM Add-On App which is part of the new dSS Version SW 1.18.0 that will be published on 07.04.2021
Not affected during migration:
- It will still be possible to login into already existing my.digitalSTROM user accounts, including login into the dS Smart Home App with an existing account.
- dSS with an existing dS Cloud connection (regardless of the dSS SW Version) will not have any downtime
Other relevant information regarding migration
The following chart that illustrates the impact of the migration on the user's dS system is available for download at the bottom of this page.
For all Users
- After 06.04.2021, new dSS to dS Cloud connections can only be established if the dSS has been updated to Version 1.18.0.
For users that do not update to dSS Version 1.18.0
- Current connection between the dSS and dS Cloud will continue to function
- New connection between the dSS and dS Cloud will only be possible when the following points are fulfilled:
- dSS is updated to Version 1.18.0 or newer AND
- migrated user account has been confirmed (see section "Important Instruction to all dS Users" above).
dS Smart Home app
- A new version of the dS Smart Home App will be published on 07.04.2021. In the coming weeks, this new version will require a re-login with the migrated user account. This will require that your migrated user account has been confirmed (see section "Important Instruction to all dS Users" above).
- The current version of the dS Smart Home App, for the time being, can be used with the old user account, but only if the dSS was not reconnected with the dS Cloud after 06.04.2021.
dS legacy apps (dS Dashboard App, dS Home Control)
- These apps will continue to operate. Local connectivity for these apps to the dSS is not affected. Existing remote access connections will remain operational as long as the dSS maintains its current dS Cloud connection.
dS Alexa Skill
- To be able to continue to use the dS Alexa Skill after 07.04.2021, you must reconnect the skill using the migrated my.digitalSTROM user account. To do so, the migrated my.digitalSTROM user account needs to be confirmed (see section "Important Instruction to all dS Users" above).
dS Google Home Integration and dS IFTTT Integration
- For the time being, both integrations can be used with the old my.digitalSTROM user account, but only if the dSS was not reconnected with the dS Cloud after 06.04.2021.
New features of new my.dS accounts
- Possibility to associate your my.dS account with your Google, Facebook or Apple ID
- Ability to change E-Mail address associated with your account
- Ability to see and manage all applications (e.g. dS Smart Home app or dS Alexa skill) connected to your apartment
- New and improved look and feel