In the digitalSTROM configurator, you can create rooms to organize your devices and sotre room-specific mood scenes. Only devices that are connected to the same dSM can be allocated in one room. Rooms always belong to one and the same circuit.
To create a new room, open the digitalSTROM configurator and select the tab "Rooms". Then select "Create new room" and enter a name for your room.
After creating a new room, you can drag and drop devices into the new room.
To view the devices after moving them into a new room, update the page view with "Update view".
After that, your room is finished. A dSM can have multiple rooms - but care must be taken that they are only virtual. Therefore, newly connected devices are automatically assigned to the first room in the dSM. You can, however, move these into any other virtual room in the digitalSTROM configurator.