Both the digitalSTROM cord dimmer S as well as the digitalSTROM cord dimmer M are equipped with a LED underneath the push-button. This LED can be switched on or off in the digitalSTROM configurator. Please note that the LED can be switched on and off for each mood scene separately. To deactivate the LED, proceed as described below.
Open the settings
- Open the digitalSTROM configurator and select the tab "activities".
- Navigate into the room that contains the cord dimmer that you want to edit.
- Then select the cord dimmer to be edited.
- After that select the mood scene in which you want to turn off the LED.
- Click on "edit activity settings" to open the settings of the cord dimmer.
Adjusting the settings
- Now select "advanced settings" in the activity settings.
- Selecting LED mode "off" will disable the LED in the edited mood scene.
This procedure can also be used to deactivate LEDs in the digitalSTROM terminal blocks. Simply select the terminal block instead of the cord dimmer.